Rubber Band

Rose has two rubber bands, X and Y. X and Y are of the same length.
she carries out an investigation using the rubber bands. Each rubber band is hung with an identical cup. Diagram shows the result of the investiagation.

1) State two inference about the length of rubber band Y.
.....Rubber band Y is made of elastic material.
.....Rubber band Y has higher elasticity.

2) Write one observation to support your inferences in (1).
......Rubber band Y becomes longer when hung by a cup.

Rose heats rubber band X as shown in Diagram.

After heating, it is found that rubber band X has elongated to 30 cm.

3)Write one hypothesis based on the information.
......The more heat is provided to rubber band X, the longer the rubber band becomes./
......Rubber band X becomes longer when heated.

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